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Getting Started with pan-os-upgrade

Welcome to the pan-os-upgrade library! This guide is designed to help you set up the library in your environment, with a special focus on users who may be new to Python, pip, and virtual environments.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Python 3.8 or newer.
  • Access to a Palo Alto Networks firewall or Panorama appliance.
  • An active internet connection for downloading the package from PyPI.


pan-os-upgrade is available on PyPI and can be easily installed within a Python virtual environment, which is a self-contained directory containing a Python installation and additional packages.

Setting Up a Python Virtual Environment

A Python virtual environment is recommended, especially for beginners. It helps isolate the library installation from your system-wide Python setup.

Create a Virtual Environment:

Run the following command to create a new virtual environment named panos_env:

python3 -m venv panos_env

This creates a new directory named panos_env with a copy of the Python interpreter and the standard library.

Activate the Virtual Environment:

  • On Windows:
  • On macOS and Linux:
source panos_env/bin/activate

After activation, your command line will indicate that you are now in the virtual environment.

Install pan-os-upgrade:

Within the activated environment, install the package using pip:

$ pip install pan-os-upgrade

---> 100%

Next Steps

With pan-os-upgrade successfully installed in your virtual environment, the next step is to configure the library for use with your firewall. Visit the Python Execution Guide to learn how to set up and configure pan-os-upgrade for your specific needs.