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Client Module


The SCM (Strata Cloud Manager) client module provides the primary interface for interacting with the Palo Alto Networks Strata Cloud Manager API. It handles authentication, request management, and provides a clean interface for making API calls with proper error handling and Pydantic model validation.

SCM Client

Class Definition

class Scm:
def __init__(
client_id: str,
client_secret: str,
tsg_id: str,
api_base_url: str = "",
log_level: str = "ERROR"


Attribute Type Description
api_base_url str Base URL for the API endpoints
oauth_client OAuth2Client OAuth2 client handling authentication
session requests.Session HTTP session for making requests
logger Logger Logger instance for SDK logging

Core Methods

HTTP Methods

def get(self, endpoint: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)

Makes a GET request to the specified endpoint, automatically handling token refresh.

def post(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs)

Makes a POST request to the specified endpoint, automatically handling token refresh.

def put(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs)

Makes a PUT request to the specified endpoint, automatically handling token refresh.

def delete(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs)

Makes a DELETE request to the specified endpoint, automatically handling token refresh.

Job Management Methods

def list_jobs(
limit: int = 100,
offset: int = 0,
parent_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> JobListResponse

Lists jobs with pagination support and optional parent ID filtering. When parent_id is provided, returns only child jobs of the specified parent job.

def get_job_status(self, job_id: str) -> JobStatusResponse

Gets the status of a specific job.

def wait_for_job(
job_id: str,
timeout: int = 300,
poll_interval: int = 10
) -> Optional[JobStatusResponse]

Waits for a job to complete with configurable timeout and polling interval.

Configuration Management Methods

def commit(
folders: List[str],
description: str,
admin: Optional[List[str]] = None,
sync: bool = False,
timeout: int = 300,
) -> CandidatePushResponseModel

Commits configuration changes to SCM with options for synchronous waiting and custom timeout.

Usage Examples

Basic Client Initialization

from scm.client import Scm
# Initialize client with basic configurationclient = Scm(

Making API Requests

Please consider using the dedicated class objects for making API requests to specific configuration objects, but if there is no existing class object, you can use the request() method directly to get your job done until coverage has improved.

# List objects with parametersresponse = client.get(
params={"folder": "Texas", "limit": 100}
# Create new objectresponse =
"name": "test-address",
"ip_netmask": "",
"folder": "Texas"

Job Management

# List recent jobsjobs = client.list_jobs(limit=10)
# Get child jobs of a specific jobchild_jobs = client.list_jobs(parent_id="parent-job-id")
# Wait for job completionstatus = client.wait_for_job("job-id", timeout=600)

Committing Changes

# Commit changes synchronouslyresult = client.commit(
description="Update network configuration",

print(f"Commit job ID: {result.job_id}")
# Check commit statusstatus = client.get_job_status(result.job_id)
print(f"Status: {[0].status_str}")

Error Handling

from scm.exceptions import APIError, AuthenticationError, TimeoutError

result = client.commit(
description="Update configuration",
except AuthenticationError as e:
print(f"Authentication failed: {e.message}")
except TimeoutError as e:
print(f"Operation timed out: {str(e)}")
except APIError as e:
print(f"API error: {str(e)}")

Best Practices

  1. Client Reuse

    • Create a single client instance and reuse it
    • Avoid creating multiple client instances
  2. Error Handling

    • Always wrap API calls in try-except blocks
    • Handle specific exceptions before generic ones
    • Log error details for troubleshooting
  3. Job Management

    • Use sync=True for simpler workflows when waiting for job completion
    • Set appropriate timeouts based on operation complexity
    • Monitor child jobs for complex operations
  4. Logging

    • Use DEBUG level for development and troubleshooting
    • Use ERROR level for production environments