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Address Configuration Object

The Address class is used to manage address objects in the Strata Cloud Manager. It provides methods to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list address objects.

Importing the Address Class

from scm.config.objects import Address


create(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> AddressResponseModel

Creates a new address object.


  • data (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing the address object data.

Example 1: Creating an IP/Netmask Address

address_data = {
"name": "internal_network",
"ip_netmask": "",
"description": "Internal network address",
"folder": "Shared",

new_address = address.create(address_data)
print(f"Created address with ID: {}")

Example 2: Creating an FQDN Address

address_data = {
"name": "example_website",
"fqdn": "",
"description": "Example website address",
"folder": "Prisma Access",

new_address = address.create(address_data)
print(f"Created address with ID: {}")

get(object_id: str) -> AddressResponseModel

Retrieves an address object by its ID.


  • object_id (str): The UUID of the address object.


address_id = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
address_object = address.get(address_id)
print(f"Address Name: {}")
print(f"Address Type: {address_object.ip_netmask or address_object.fqdn}")

update(object_id: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> AddressResponseModel

Updates an existing address object.


  • object_id (str): The UUID of the address object.
  • data (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing the updated address data.


update_data = {
"description": "Updated internal network description",
"tag": ["internal", "updated"],

updated_address = address.update(address_id, update_data)
print(f"Updated address with ID: {}")
print(f"New description: {updated_address.description}")
print(f"New tags: {updated_address.tag}")

delete(object_id: str) -> None

Deletes an address object by its ID.


  • object_id (str): The UUID of the address object.


print(f"Deleted address with ID: {address_id}")

list(folder: Optional[str] = None, snippet: Optional[str] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, **filters) -> List[AddressResponseModel]

Lists address objects, optionally filtered by folder, snippet, device, or other criteria.


  • folder (Optional[str]): The folder to list addresses from.
  • snippet (Optional[str]): The snippet to list addresses from.
  • device (Optional[str]): The device to list addresses from.
  • **filters: Additional filters (e.g., types, values, names, tags).

Example 1: Listing Addresses in a Folder

addresses = address.list(folder='Prisma Access')

for addr in addresses:
print(f"Address Name: {}, Type: {addr.ip_netmask or addr.fqdn}")

Example 2: Listing Addresses with Filters

filtered_addresses = address.list(

for addr in filtered_addresses:
print(f"Address Name: {}, IP/Netmask: {addr.ip_netmask}")

Full Usage Example

Here's a complete example demonstrating how to use the Address configuration object:

from scm.client import Scm
from scm.config.objects import Address
# Initialize the SCM clientapi_client = Scm(
# Create an Address instanceaddress = Address(api_client)
# Create a new addressaddress_data = {
"name": "example_network",
"ip_netmask": "",
"description": "Example network address",
"folder": "Shared",
"tag": ["example", "network"]

new_address = address.create(address_data)
print(f"Created address with ID: {}")
# Get the created addressretrieved_address = address.get(
print(f"Retrieved address: {}")
# Update the addressupdate_data = {
"description": "Updated example network address",
"tag": ["example", "network", "updated"]

updated_address = address.update(, update_data)
print(f"Updated address description: {updated_address.description}")
print(f"Updated address tags: {updated_address.tag}")
# List addressesaddresses = address.list(folder='Shared', types=['ip-netmask'])
for addr in addresses:
print(f"Address Name: {}, IP/Netmask: {addr.ip_netmask}")
# Delete the addressaddress.delete(
print(f"Deleted address with ID: {}")