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NAT Rule Models


The NAT Rule models provide a structured way to represent and validate NAT rule configuration data for Palo Alto Networks' Strata Cloud Manager. These models ensure data integrity when creating, updating, and moving NAT rules, enforcing proper value types, unique list entries, and correct container specifications.



This is the base model containing fields common to all NAT rule operations.

Attribute Type Required Default Description
name str Yes The name of the NAT rule. Allowed pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_ \.-]+$.
description str No None A description for the NAT rule.
tag List[str] No Empty list Tags associated with the NAT rule.
disabled bool No False Indicates whether the NAT rule is disabled.
nat_type NatType No ipv4 The type of NAT operation. Allowed values: ipv4, nat64, nptv6.
from_ (alias: from) List[str] No ["any"] Source zone(s) for the NAT rule.
to_ (alias: to) List[str] No ["any"] Destination zone(s) for the NAT rule.
source List[str] No ["any"] Source address(es) for the NAT rule.
destination List[str] No ["any"] Destination address(es) for the NAT rule.
service str No None The TCP/UDP service associated with the NAT rule.
source_translation SourceTranslation No None Configuration for source translation.
folder str Conditionally None The folder container where the resource is defined. Must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z\d\-_. ]+$ and be ≤ 64 chars.
snippet str Conditionally None The snippet container where the resource is defined. Must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z\d\-_. ]+$ and be ≤ 64 chars.
device str Conditionally None The device container where the resource is defined. Must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z\d\-_. ]+$ and be ≤ 64 chars.


Inherits all fields from NatRuleBaseModel and enforces that exactly one of folder, snippet, or device is provided during creation.

NatRuleUpdateModel / NatRuleResponseModel

Both models extend NatRuleBaseModel by adding:

Attribute Type Required Default Description
id UUID Yes The unique identifier of the NAT rule (assigned by the system).


This model is used for moving NAT rules within a rulebase.

Attribute Type Required Default Description
destination NatMoveDestination Yes Indicates where to move the rule. Allowed values: top, bottom, before, after.
rulebase NatRulebase Yes Specifies which rulebase to use. Allowed values: pre, post.
destination_rule UUID Conditionally None The reference NAT rule UUID for before or after moves. Required when destination is before or after.


The models perform strict validation and will raise ValueError in scenarios such as:

  • When fields expected to be lists (e.g., from_, to_, source, destination, tag) are not provided as lists or contain non-string items.
  • When list fields contain duplicate values.
  • When creating a NAT rule (NatRuleCreateModel), if not exactly one container (folder, snippet, or device) is provided.
  • When moving a NAT rule (NatRuleMoveModel), if destination_rule is missing for before/after destinations or provided when not applicable.

Model Validators

Field Validators in NatRuleBaseModel

  • ensure_list_of_strings:
    Ensures that fields like from_, to_, source, destination, and tag are lists of strings. If a single string is provided, it converts it into a list.

  • ensure_unique_items:
    Ensures that the items in list fields are unique, preventing duplicate entries.

Container Validation in NatRuleCreateModel

  • validate_container:
    After model initialization, this validator checks that exactly one of the container fields (folder, snippet, or device) is provided. If not, it raises a ValueError.

Move Configuration Validation in NatRuleMoveModel

  • validate_move_configuration:
    Ensures that when the destination is before or after, the destination_rule field is provided. Conversely, if the destination is top or bottom, destination_rule must not be provided.

Usage Examples

Creating a NAT Rule

Using a Dictionary

from import NatRuleCreateModel

nat_rule_data = {
"name": "nat-rule-1",
"description": "NAT rule for outbound traffic",
"tag": ["web", "prod"],
"disabled": False,
"nat_type": "ipv4",
"from": ["trust"],
"to": ["untrust"],
"source": [""],
"destination": [""],
"service": "tcp-80",
"folder": "NAT Rules"
# Validate and create model instancenat_rule = NatRuleCreateModel(**nat_rule_data)
payload = nat_rule.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)

Using the Model Directly

from import NatRuleCreateModel

nat_rule = NatRuleCreateModel(
description="NAT rule for outbound traffic",
tag=["web", "prod"],
folder="NAT Rules"
payload = nat_rule.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)

Updating a NAT Rule

import uuid
from import NatRuleUpdateModel

update_data = {
"id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
"name": "nat-rule-1-updated",
"description": "Updated description",
"tag": ["web", "updated"],
"disabled": True,
"nat_type": "nat64",
"from": ["trust"],
"to": ["untrust"],
"source": [""],
"destination": [""],
"service": "tcp-443",
"folder": "NAT Rules"

updated_rule = NatRuleUpdateModel(**update_data)
payload = updated_rule.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)

Moving a NAT Rule

import uuid
from import NatRuleMoveModel

move_data = {
"destination": "before",
"rulebase": "pre",
"destination_rule": str(uuid.uuid4())

move_rule = NatRuleMoveModel(**move_data)
payload = move_rule.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
  • Enums:
  • NatType: Allowed values are ipv4, nat64, nptv6.
  • NatMoveDestination: Allowed values are top, bottom, before, after.
  • NatRulebase: Allowed values are pre, post.

  • Additional Models:

  • InterfaceAddress: Model for interface address configuration.
  • SourceTranslation: Model for configuring source translation options.
  • NatRuleCreateModel: Model for creating NAT rules.
  • NatRuleUpdateModel: Model for updating NAT rules.
  • NatRuleResponseModel: Model for NAT rule responses.
  • NatRuleMoveModel: Model for moving NAT rules.