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Dynamic User Group Models


The Dynamic User Group models provide a structured way to manage dynamic user groups in Palo Alto Networks' Strata Cloud Manager. These models support defining user groups based on tag-based filters to dynamically associate users with specific groups for policy management. The models handle validation of inputs and outputs when interacting with the SCM API.


Attribute Type Required Default Description
name str Yes None Name of the dynamic user group. Max length: 63 chars. Must match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z\d-_. ]+$
filter str Yes None Tag-based filter for the dynamic user group. Max length: 2047 chars
description str No None Description of the dynamic user group. Max length: 1023 chars
tag List[str] No None List of tags. Each tag max length: 127 chars
folder str No* None Folder where dynamic user group is defined. Max length: 64 chars
snippet str No* None Snippet where dynamic user group is defined. Max length: 64 chars
device str No* None Device where dynamic user group is defined. Max length: 64 chars
id UUID Yes** None UUID of the dynamic user group (response only)

* Exactly one container type (folder/snippet/device) must be provided for create operations
** Only required for response model


The Dynamic User Group models can raise the following exceptions during validation:

  • ValueError: Raised in several scenarios:
    • When multiple container types (folder/snippet/device) are specified for create operations
    • When no container type is specified for create operations
    • When tag values are not unique in a list
    • When tag input is neither a string nor a list
    • When name pattern validation fails

Model Validators

Container Type Validation

For create operations, exactly one container type must be specified:

# This will raise a validation errorfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupCreateModel

dug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
device="fw01" # Can't specify both folder and device
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # "Exactly one of 'folder', 'snippet', or 'device' must be provided."
# This will also raise a validation errortry:
dug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
# Missing container
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # "Exactly one of 'folder', 'snippet', or 'device' must be provided."

Tag Validation

Tags must be unique and properly formatted:

# This will raise a validation error for duplicate tagstry:
dug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
tag=["security", "security"] # Duplicate tags not allowed
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # "List items must be unique"
# This will convert a single string tag to a listdug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
tag="security" # Will be converted to ["security"]
print(dug.tag) # ["security"]

Usage Examples

Creating a Dynamic User Group

# Using dictionaryfrom scm.config.objects import DynamicUserGroup

dug_dict = {
"name": "high-risk-users",
"filter": "tag.criticality.high",
"description": "Users with high risk classification",
"folder": "Security",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Security"]

dug_manager = DynamicUserGroup(api_client)
response = dug_manager.create(dug_dict)
# Using model directlyfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupCreateModel

dug_obj = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
description="Users with high risk classification",
tag=["RiskManagement", "Security"]

payload = dug_obj.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
response = dug_manager.create(payload)

Creating a Dynamic User Group with a Complex Filter

# Using dictionarycomplex_dug_dict = {
"name": "risky-contractors",
"filter": "tag.user_type.contractor and (tag.criticality.high or",
"description": "High risk contractors",
"folder": "Security",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Contractors"]

response = dug_manager.create(complex_dug_dict)
# Using model directlyfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupCreateModel

complex_dug_obj = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
filter="tag.user_type.contractor and (tag.criticality.high or",
description="High risk contractors",
tag=["RiskManagement", "Contractors"]

payload = complex_dug_obj.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
response = dug_manager.create(payload)

Updating a Dynamic User Group

# Using dictionaryupdate_dict = {
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "high-risk-users",
"description": "Updated user group for high risk classification",
"filter": "tag.criticality.high or",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Security", "HighPriority"]

response = dug_manager.update(update_dict)
# Using model directlyfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupUpdateModel

update_dug = DynamicUserGroupUpdateModel(
description="Updated user group for high risk classification",
filter="tag.criticality.high or",
tag=["RiskManagement", "Security", "HighPriority"]

payload = update_dug.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
response = dug_manager.update(payload)

Response Model

When retrieving dynamic user groups, the response will be validated against the DynamicUserGroupResponseModel schema:

# Example of a responseresponse_data = {
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "high-risk-users",
"filter": "tag.criticality.high or",
"description": "Users with high risk classification",
"folder": "Security",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Security", "HighPriority"]
# Validating response datafrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupResponseModel

response_model = DynamicUserGroupResponseModel(**response_data)
print(f"DUG ID: {}")
print(f"Name: {}")
print(f"Filter: {response_model.filter}")
print(f"Tags: {response_model.tag}")