Dynamic User Group Models
The Dynamic User Group models provide a structured way to manage dynamic user groups in Palo Alto Networks' Strata Cloud Manager. These models support defining user groups based on tag-based filters to dynamically associate users with specific groups for policy management. The models handle validation of inputs and outputs when interacting with the SCM API.
Attribute | Type | Required | Default | Description |
name | str | Yes | None | Name of the dynamic user group. Max length: 63 chars. Must match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z\d-_. ]+$ |
filter | str | Yes | None | Tag-based filter for the dynamic user group. Max length: 2047 chars |
description | str | No | None | Description of the dynamic user group. Max length: 1023 chars |
tag | List[str] | No | None | List of tags. Each tag max length: 127 chars |
folder | str | No* | None | Folder where dynamic user group is defined. Max length: 64 chars |
snippet | str | No* | None | Snippet where dynamic user group is defined. Max length: 64 chars |
device | str | No* | None | Device where dynamic user group is defined. Max length: 64 chars |
id | UUID | Yes** | None | UUID of the dynamic user group (response only) |
* Exactly one container type (folder/snippet/device) must be provided for create operations
** Only required for response model
The Dynamic User Group models can raise the following exceptions during validation:
- ValueError: Raised in several scenarios:
- When multiple container types (folder/snippet/device) are specified for create operations
- When no container type is specified for create operations
- When tag values are not unique in a list
- When tag input is neither a string nor a list
- When name pattern validation fails
Model Validators
Container Type Validation
For create operations, exactly one container type must be specified:
dug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
device="fw01" # Can't specify both folder and device
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # "Exactly one of 'folder', 'snippet', or 'device' must be provided."
# This will also raise a validation errortry:
dug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
# Missing container
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # "Exactly one of 'folder', 'snippet', or 'device' must be provided."
Tag Validation
Tags must be unique and properly formatted:
dug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
tag=["security", "security"] # Duplicate tags not allowed
except ValueError as e:
print(e) # "List items must be unique"
# This will convert a single string tag to a listdug = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
tag="security" # Will be converted to ["security"]
print(dug.tag) # ["security"]
Usage Examples
Creating a Dynamic User Group
dug_dict = {
"name": "high-risk-users",
"filter": "tag.criticality.high",
"description": "Users with high risk classification",
"folder": "Security",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Security"]
dug_manager = DynamicUserGroup(api_client)
response = dug_manager.create(dug_dict)
# Using model directlyfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupCreateModel
dug_obj = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
description="Users with high risk classification",
tag=["RiskManagement", "Security"]
payload = dug_obj.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
response = dug_manager.create(payload)
Creating a Dynamic User Group with a Complex Filter
"name": "risky-contractors",
"filter": "tag.user_type.contractor and (tag.criticality.high or tag.risk_score.gt.80)",
"description": "High risk contractors",
"folder": "Security",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Contractors"]
response = dug_manager.create(complex_dug_dict)
# Using model directlyfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupCreateModel
complex_dug_obj = DynamicUserGroupCreateModel(
filter="tag.user_type.contractor and (tag.criticality.high or tag.risk_score.gt.80)",
description="High risk contractors",
tag=["RiskManagement", "Contractors"]
payload = complex_dug_obj.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
response = dug_manager.create(payload)
Updating a Dynamic User Group
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "high-risk-users",
"description": "Updated user group for high risk classification",
"filter": "tag.criticality.high or tag.risk_score.gt.90",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Security", "HighPriority"]
response = dug_manager.update(update_dict)
# Using model directlyfrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupUpdateModel
update_dug = DynamicUserGroupUpdateModel(
description="Updated user group for high risk classification",
filter="tag.criticality.high or tag.risk_score.gt.90",
tag=["RiskManagement", "Security", "HighPriority"]
payload = update_dug.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)
response = dug_manager.update(payload)
Response Model
When retrieving dynamic user groups, the response will be validated against the DynamicUserGroupResponseModel
"id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"name": "high-risk-users",
"filter": "tag.criticality.high or tag.risk_score.gt.90",
"description": "Users with high risk classification",
"folder": "Security",
"tag": ["RiskManagement", "Security", "HighPriority"]
# Validating response datafrom scm.models.objects import DynamicUserGroupResponseModel
response_model = DynamicUserGroupResponseModel(**response_data)
print(f"DUG ID: {response_model.id}")
print(f"Name: {response_model.name}")
print(f"Filter: {response_model.filter}")
print(f"Tags: {response_model.tag}")